About Bell Sprout

Bell SproutMy avatar I guess the first question is "Why Bell Sprout?". Fair question. At this point, if you are looking for Bellsprout the pokémon, you might want to look elsewhere (unless you don't mind a minor deviation in your quest). Bell Sprout originated from a personal joke between a friend and myself. I used it to sign up to a forum and pretty well got addicted to the name despite it being associated with Pokémon.

Okay so who am I? I am a 19 year old uni student from South East Queensland, which is firmly situated in Autralia. I have completed my first year in the B. Health. Sci. (Paramedic) course and threatening to go on prac! Smiley I am sure at last that I have found something that I want to do for the rest of my life and have found it to be quite obtainable at that too. At this stage I am living at home with my parents which is not as bad as I thought it would be after having lived away for a year. Most of the day is spent at uni, otherwise I am sleeping or at karate!

A tamagotchi thing just like mine! Which brings me to my next point. I have one main interest in my life and that is karate. I train three to four days each week as a black belt and assistant instructor with GKR karate. I have decided to dedicate an entire page to that seeing it take up most of my life. At the moment I am the proud owner of a tamagotchi too. These days I don't spend quite as much time on it as I used to. I discovered how to put it on a makeshift pause and my second one actually has a pause feature which is even better! Smiley When I am around long enough tho, I will have the little blob next to me or near by.

What else can I tell you??? I don't know. I guess I will think about all this a little further and then get back to it. Or maybe not. Any suggestions??
